What you need to know about your high street headband

The hidden cost of fast fashion

When I started my hair accessories brand in 2021, I was always conscious that I didn't want it's creation to leave a negative impact on the planet, or on society. I knew I had a choice; I could follow in the steps of so many other brands and bulk buy hair accessories from unknown and unseen manufacturers in China or India, stick a Black Bow Co. branding label on it and call it my own (and make a healthy profit doing so).

But I knew that wasn't for me.

Part of the joy of having my own brand is pouring my time and effort into my products. I can control so many factors that I just wouldn't be able to if I replied on importing from overseas.

Here are four things you need to know about fast fashion before you buy:

Fast fashion is cheap and disposable.

The price of fast fashion is not just the price tag attached to your new dress or scrunchie; it's also the cost to our health, environment, and society. Fast fashion brands are quick to churn out new designs as soon as trends emerge. This means that they have little time for quality control or careful construction--and often use substandard materials and child labour in their production processes. They don't care about their workers because those workers are disposable; when one batch of employees quits or gets fired, another batch will take their place!

Fast fashion is not good for you or the environment.

Fast fashion clothing is made of low-quality materials that don't last long. The clothes and accessories produced are cheap because they're made by people who work in unsafe factories and underpaid wages. Fast fashion clothes are also bad for your health, as many of them contain toxic chemicals like formaldehyde and nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs) that can cause skin irritation or allergic reactions like hives or rashes if you wear them too much without washing them first!

The working conditions of workers who make fast fashion would not be legal in the U.K.

You might be wondering why your clothes and accessories don't last as long as they used to. The answer is simple: they're made from cheaper materials. The quality of our clothing has gone down over the years because fast fashion brands are trying to save money and increase profits by using lower quality materials in their products.

The problem with this is that it creates a vicious cycle of buying more items, because you have nothing else left in your wardrobe or dresser that fits right or looks good on you! This means more money spent on shopping sprees every season (or even month), which adds up quickly over time.

Fast fashion makes it hard to be creative with your closet.

Fast fashion is cheap, disposable and not good for you or the environment. It's also hard to be creative with your closet when everything looks the same. At Black Bow Co. we have really set out to make hair accessories that are different from the rest, we WANT to stand out from the crowd, and we want you to too - very difficult to do if everyone is wearing the same old headband or scrunchie from the highstreet!

In conclusion your honour.

Look, we love fashion, but we believe that it should be more than just something we wear. It should be an expression of who you are and what matters most to you. We also believe that fast fashion does not help us achieve this goal because it's so easy for us to get caught up in trends and forget about what really matters--ourselves and who we are as individuals. So come and have a look at what we have to offer, and let us know what you think about the cost of fast fashion. 

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